Monday, May 30, 2011

Back Seat Driving, Two Year Olds, and Coming Out of the Closet

This weekend has been a busy one!
My cousin surprised us on Saturday, she came over from Philly, so it was indeed a surprise!

We saw Pirates today, and it was okay I suppose... Besides the fact that they are, most likely, going to make a fifth one... I wonder it it will end?

Tangents! On the way home, from the movies.... in Canada.... Because we are cool and leave the country to watch movies..... My uncle decided to back seat drive.. and this has been happening all weekend since he likes to be in control of the vehicle. Which in some cases, isn't the case at all. And for most of the weekend we have been riding in my cousins rental car, which is an amazing Nissan Cube! I want one. But, back to the main point, he keeps on back seat driving. Which is in fact annoying even when you are not the driver.

And today it got a bit over the edge, but Saturday was a bit worse because we got lost, and today added to the frustration because he doesn't understand the words: "Don't" or "stop" so.... it was a bit angry in the car. My aunt snapped and my cousin snapped and he was throwing a tantrum like a two year old.

Which brings us to the underpass. Which is a tunning that goes under the Frasier River... I think. Which is heading south our of Richmond where we went to see Pirates. Well, it gets loud under water, and we were behind a smelly car, so my cousin put up the window until we were free from hell. BUT my uncle didn't like that idea since he has no use for his nose(?). So he rolled it down. She rolled it up. He rolled it down. Do you see where this is going? And this went on. and on. and on. Until she locked the windows. then he kept pressing the buttons complaining that the window wouldn't go down. So, long story short, it was like a two year old playing with the window buttons and complaining. It was funny and I couldn't help but laugh.

And also like two year olds, he misunderstood the meaning of "Coming out of the closet." I don't remember what I said, I only remember the argument afterwards. He kept going on how "Gays" overshadowed the saying. His examples of how the saying could be used; "I'm black, I just came out of the closet", "I'm Asian, I just came out of the closet." , "I work at McDonalds, I just came out of the closet." and last but not least, "I'm a trucker, I just came out of the closet."

Yea.....  No..... Not really. It was funny since he either really believes that, or is such a homophobe that he doesn't want to accept the true meaning of, "I just came out of the closet"

In other news. This weekend was Bamfy. End of story. thats how it was.

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